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10.000 Jam Menjadi Ahli Akuakultur?
Mukaddimah Akuakultur, atau budidaya organisme akuatik seperti ikan, kerang, dan rumput laut, adalah sebuah praktik yang semakin penting dalam upaya memenuhi kebutuhan pangan global yang terus meningkat. Menurut Adi Sucipto, akuakultur dapat diartikan sebagai pengejawantahan dari cita, rasa, dan karsa dalam meningkatkan kualitas, kuantitas, dan kontinuitas organisme akuatik hasil interaksi dengan lingkungannya yang berbatas. Definisi ini menggarisbawahi bahwa akuakultur bukan hanya tentang teknik budidaya, tetapi juga melibatkan filosofi mendalam tentang bagaimana manusia berinteraksi dengan lingkungan…
Read More »10,000 Hours to Become an Aquaculture Expert?
Introduction Aquaculture, or the cultivation of aquatic organisms such as fish, shellfish, and seaweed, is an increasingly important practice in the effort to meet the growing global food needs. According to Adi Sucipto, aquaculture can be defined as the embodiment of ideas, feelings, and intentions in improving the quality, quantity, and continuity of aquatic organisms resulting from interaction with their limited environment. This definition underscores that aquaculture is not just about cultivation techniques, but also…
Read More »eBook Seed Production of Catfish in Biofloc
The book “Seed Production of Catfish in Biofloc” offers an in-depth exploration of the methodologies and principles behind the successful hatchery of catfish using biofloc technology. This technology leverages the natural microbial communities in water to enhance water quality and provide supplemental nutrition to catfish larvae, significantly improving survival rates and growth performance. Key Topics Covered: 1. Introduction to Biofloc Technology: Explanation of the biofloc system and its benefits, including water quality management and cost…
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